Joining Tenerife Tae Kwon Do Academy

All new members and families who join the Academy will receive 1 month of free training.

Joining after your 1 month free trial is easy, firstly you need to decide how many times per week you would like to train. Then decide on a method of payment. We offer Standing order (preferred method), cheque or cash payments.

All fees are paid on a monthly basis at the start of each month. If that does not suit you then you can discuss a payment date with the Academy instructor. If you decide to pay by standing order please ask Master Summers. Alternatively e-mail and we will send you the relevant information by return for setting up payments.

Please note: Their are no contracts and you have the right to stop payments at anytime should you wish to leave the Academy.

Your only other obligation is to complete and return a licence/insurance application together with payment. All Licences run for 12 months duration and cover member to member indemnity. This is a legal obligation and no student is allowed to train without valid licence/insurance. Please remember in the first month of training the insurance is FREE and at our expense.

You can ask for a licence application form at any training session either before or after the lesson. Alternatively you can download a form at Downloads/

What should I wear when I join.

Please wear some sort of appropriate loose clothing to start with which could be a tracksuit, t shirt etc. The main thing is to be comfortable and wear looose fitting clothing. We train in bare feet unless their is a medical condition that prevents this.

We do offer official Academy suits(Dobok) but we would advise you to complete your 1 month trial before making this type of purchase.